The picture


This is the picture President Evo Morales spoke about to Italian Communist daily Il Manifesto, to support his allegation that there is a rightwing conspiracy in Bolivia against his government. In the picture, left to right: Gabriel Dabdoub, president of Cainco (Santa Cruz Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tourism and Services), U.S. Ambassador Philip Goldberg, Colombian John Jairo Banegas (crossed arms, white polo shirt), charged with leading a burglars gang in Bolivia and currently imprisoned in Santa Cruz. The Colombian Embassy has said (El Deber today) that Banegas is clean of charges in his country. While a full police report from Banegas declaration in prison is still expected, Dabdoub has said the whole affair aims at staining his prestige. The U.S. diplomat said he was waiting for an official information request about the photo. President Morales claimed Banegas was a paramilitary. He said rightwing elements from inside Bolivia and abroad are conspiring against him. The foreign conspiracy, he told Il Manifesto, came from the U.S. Embassy. The evidence seems very weak, at least from a rationale point of view, so far. It would be strange that conspirators take a picture of themselves, to begin with.  Still stranger would be a memento-like picture of the conspirators on a main course at a National Fair in Santa Cruz. Yet, Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca´s question stands: Why the picture was taken?

3 Responses to “The picture”

  1. En busca de una foto - II « Mientras tanto, en Santa Cruz Says:

    […] La foto fue presentada por el Ministro de Gobierno y mostrada por la TV esta noche. Es difícil juzgar el contenido político de la fotografía, aparentemente tomada hace más de un mes, en una de las avenidas de la Feria Exposición. Aparecen en ella el Embajador Goldberg, el presidente de CAINCO, Gabriel Dabdoub, y un ciudadano con camiseta polo blanca, sin cuello, sonriente y de brazos cruzados, que la televisión identifica como John Jairo Banegas. Es el único en la foto que no viste traje formal. La imagen no prueba conspiración alguna. Habrá que leer las declaraciones del detenido, que fue también identificado como jefe de una banda de atracadores.  El Embajador dijo que opinará cuando la denuncia sea presentada por conducto regular.  El Sr. Dabdoub dijo que el asunto era una “chicanería”. […]

  2. Coming to terms – A photo affair « Meanwhile, in Santa Cruz Says:

    […] didn´t. At the “why-don´t-you-shut-up” Ibero-American summit in Santiago, he showed the picture he considers the supreme evidence of his allegation. The picture shows Goldberg, Dabdoub and Banegas […]

  3. Comercio en jaque « Mientras tanto, en Santa Cruz Says:

    […] un ciudadano colombiano (que está preso en Santa Cruz y NADIE lo ha entrevistado!) en base a una fotografía tomada durante la Feria Agro-Industrial de septiembre, hasta la próxima convocatoria del […]

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